Most clients would not dare to show more skin than on the beach. There are however some looking to show more of their bodies or even go fully nude or further. For these clients it can be confusing not knowing what their options are. The following is an extensive though not exhaustive list of nudity types and definitions to help them make sense of navigate what is on offer.

Implied or Suggestive Nudity: Implied nude suggests the subject to be without any clothes where she could easily be clothed. With true implied nudity however in contrast to hidden or covered nudity she isn't nude but clothing is hidden either partially or fully in a way the viewer can't tell if she's covered. Implied nudity often incorporates scenery or objects to subtly hide clothing or uses articles such as towels and creates a suggestion to the viewer that she's nude but also leaves them wondering. Some women avoid suggestive nudity while for others it can be a powerful tool to give the impression of being nude without actually taking off all their clothes and has become a common element in media and advertising.

Covered or Hidden: With covered nudity intimate details are hidden to a more or lesser extent. While covered nudity can often appear as implied nudity the difference lies in the fact she's truly nude but aspects such as the breasts, nipples, buttocks or pubic area are covered or hidden so as to leave them to the viewers imagination. Where implied nudity usually hides more in order not to reveal clothing such as a bra strap covered nudity is often less subtle leaving the viewer knowing she's nude without revealing too much. Covered nudity can be an option for women who want to go nude without revealing any intimate areas and can often be more erotic than full nudity.

Semi-nude: Reveals some intimate details, often breasts and buttocks without revealing the most intimate areas. Semi-nude may use covered or hidden nudity to reveal the breasts or pubic area without exposing the nipples or vulva. Some see revealing clothing such as lingerie or some types of swimwear as semi-nude while the subject can also be topless or bottomless with the rest of her body covered.

Full nudity: The classic Playboy look where she's not wearing any clothing in order to showcase her entire body. Full nudity does not use covering but some areas may still be hidden through pose selection and viewing angles. It doesn't just present the curves of her body but also the aesthetic allure of her more intimate areas.

Artistic nude: Artistic nudity is often fully nude but presented in a way that is less erotic. It is the type of nudity you would usually find in art galleries. Artistic nudity has a focus on showing her figure usually including breasts and nipples but normally shies away from overtly showing the genitals or anal area. Artistic nudity is often more flattering than crude or unrefined nudity incorporating interesting or elaborate poses, light and shadows, or other decorative elements.

BodyScapes: A type of nudity that focuses on presenting specific areas or parts of the body in an artistic manner. These may be the curvature of the back or buttocks but also more intimate areas such as the breasts or vulva. While there may be a focus on more intimate areas these are less crude with a more refined aesthetic focus and usually more sensual. BodyScapes present the beauty of the female body as an artistic design and takes advantage of using its elements as functional or decorative set pieces.

Erotic: Places the focus on the more intimate areas of the body and employs poses that are provocative or suggestive in a style that is more Hustler than Playboy. In contrast to other types of nudity the main purpose of erotic photography isn't merely to present the female body in a sensual or artistic manner but to entice sexual feelings or thoughts or to arouse. Erotic nudity is more explicit usually presenting clear views of the vulva or even anal area and is mostly done completely naked.

Explicit: Similar to erotic nudity places a focus on the female body as being provocative. Instead of merely provoking sexual feelings or arousal these poses or acts are a more "in your face" kind of photography and go further by suggesting or portraying sexual acts and may even show her enjoying sexual pleasure or climax. Explicit photography is for the woman who is fully comfortable with her body and sexuality and doesn't just want to showcase it in a more sexual way but is looking for the experience of being seen and photographed enjoying herself sexually.

CMNF: Clothed Male Naked Female. A genre where a woman is naked among one or more males. CMNF can be a strongly submissive yet sexually empowering dynamic for a woman laying herself bare not just physically but also emotionally to the opposite sex not doing the same in return.

Bondage/BDSM: Uses ropes and devices for restraint. Often she may be fully naked and exposed or partake in painful actions. When choosing this genre of photography a client does not need to be nude or partake in sexual actions though they can request it or even full exposure or extreme BDSM.

Nude vs Naked

Nudity is empowering. It is being in control of what he sees. It is achieving her own ends and directing his thoughts and feelings. Nudity is a statement. She chooses to display her body and her intimate parts in the best manner for the purpose of being viewed. Nudity is often made to be sensual or even lustful with her consciously being the object of a man's desire and attention. When being nude she not only knows that he's going to gaze at her body and sexual parts with the objective of pleasuring himself but is helping to facilitate it.

Naked is more imposing. It removes power. It is more raw and displays flaws and undesirable characteristics. The viewer is playing a more intrusive role. She's being viewed not for her own goals in a way that she's directing but as part of his control over her. When he's pleasuring himself to her body she's not consciously choosing it. Naked is being herself not attempting to be lustful or to be seen in any particular manner. She is just doing what she does naturally whether it's walking, grooming, working or doing house chores. It is not directed to be perfect, he's taking a peek into her more private imperfect life such as taking a shower or even preforming more intimate acts like masturbating.

Where the nude lets her use her characteristics to be more confident she has to be confident to be naked. The nude allows her to hide her imperfections where nakedness may show or even highlight these. Nakedness takes away her ownership over herself and her body. Standing naked before him she knows it is not her will determining where he looks but his. Nudity gives her the power to control what he feels contrasted to her nakedness that removes any pretence to be vulnerable. .

More women are referring to themselves as posing and being naked.

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