WARNING: While not inherently sexual this website contains informational and educational content and imagery related to nudity, nude photography and nude modelling that may be considered by some as mature or adult in nature. If you are in an environment such as work or school where such content is prohibited or of an age in your region where it is not legal to view such content you are requested to leave and not read further.
I can not apologise for my love of seeing the female form naked and wanting to show it in all its splendour. I think a woman's body is a beautifully designed artwork that should not be hidden but which she should be showing to the world. The raw beauty of her body is something she should not be ashamed of with no part of it being off limits. It is not oppressive but freeing for her to experience letting go of the inhibitions that society has ingrained on girls from a young age.
I do not view nudity as shocking but rather something that should be commonly accepted. My vision is of a world where everyone is free to be seen naked without judgement or resent, one which I want to have played a role in when we get there. I am looking to work with those, both newcomers or those seeking to further their careers, that share this vision and play their part in shaping this vision.
Why Every Woman Should Pose Nude or Naked
Countless has been written on the subject. There are many who believe and will try to convince models they don't need to do nude modelling. Some will even tell models to stay clear of photographers who want them to undress as if they are lepers. While nudity may not be for everyone and you can say no to it everyone also has the right to choose nudity. To brand someone who requires nudity as deviant is the same as calling someone deviant for liking different food than you.
Every woman should pose nude or naked. Now hear me out for making such a bold statement before picking up the pitchforks as if you've done your homework on how to deal with the social taboos and stigmas and are confident in your response to them there's no reason not to.
I won't be writing on the negatives as enough has been written. There certainly are a few potential situations or lines of work where nudity isn't advised but they have been greatly exaggerated and objectively the positives far outweigh the negatives in general.
Models should do nudity early on or as a first shoot. Though it's true to an extent that nudity isn't a requirement for modelling there are a lot of benefits. While you should show what you look like in different outfits many selectors will, without wanting to admit it, gravitate towards portfolios containing nudity as they can be more sure of a model's look and suitability. Agencies will tell prospective models they don't need to do nudity to reassure them but modelling is highly competitive and models need to have an edge in order to get ahead.
This does not mean that as a model you should not put in the work and just expect it to come to you but models who get further in their careers on average do and feature more nudity. As anyone can do nudity it gives those willing to do it an easy means to have an advantage over others and if you're not willing to do it someone else will. There's no reason to let them have the advantage by refusing to do nudity or to not feature it in your portfolio.
Nudity opens up a lot more opportunities for art modelling, not just for professional models but also for amateur models and women in general. Modelling nude can be rewarding not just monetarily but also personally. Women who have posed nude describe the experience as liberating and building confidence. Being photographed without clothes on and being seen by others naked as she is nurtures acceptance of her body and being at ease with it.
It's only norms and conventions that compel women to hide their bodies. The female body is itself a beautiful work of art, practical and aesthetic, and as a woman there's no compelling reason for you not to show and let your body be photographed naked. Yes nudity does require bravery to go against social stigmas but often those stigmas are more ingrained in ourselves and less people care than we think. If you can rise above your fear however it will be a rewarding experience that is both challenging and will allow you to grow both as a model and as a person. Above all it should be done with unapologetic confidence as it will be the determining factor that changes perceptions.
You don't have to take my word for it however but can read the perspective of another nude model on why every woman and why YOU should pose nude. Also read my information for models to learn more and what to expect on handling a shoot.
And remember, don't judge. Just because someone lives or looks different doesn't mean they feel different than you. We don't choose our circumstances and can only choose how we handle them. We are all born with perfect souls.
Incorporating elements from Creative Fabrica — for Graphics, Fonts, Design Classes and Tutorials.